Veronica Leigh-Hanson


About Veronica Leigh-Hanson

The average ambulance response time in the UK is 18 minutes. In 1895, this was not the case: ambulances came in the form of custom-designed cycle ambulances; a stretcher was held between two bicycles. There were only four, so let’s hope it wasn’t an emergency. This initiative was revolutionary at the time, low-cost and efficient, headed by the Birmingham Hospital Saturday Fund (BHSF). Since then, not-for-profit organisation BHSF has evolved but upheld its principles of accessibility, campaigning for physical, mental, and financial health for all. Behind the scenes, Veronica Leigh-Hanson ensured that these life-changing wellbeing initiatives are implemented throughout all levels of business as Head of HR, keeping BHSF’s bicycle-wheels turning on an internal basis.

Veronica is a HR professional with 21 years’ experience in HR and organisational development (HR/OD). She has held a number of senior positions, mainly in the role of Head of HR. She has worked at strategic level in the public sector: this includes the Probation Service, and three local authorities including Birmingham City Council, as well as the private sector, the art and culture sector, and in financial services and occupational health. Veronica has managed the organisation’s HR function and has developed and delivered efficient and effective HR/OD services which have improved how HR is delivered across several organisations.

Veronica’s experience in the public sector has included consultation and negation within a unionised environment. In all of her positions, she has managed complex employee relations cases. Her skills include the ability to problem solve, deliver training solutions, improved HR policies and procedures to enable managers to develop their people management skills.

Veronica is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development [FCIPD] and has been a TCM Group Associate since 2019.