Bob Tooby


About Bob Tooby

Bob Tooby has a broad based experience which has included senior roles with the Police, NHS and the Welsh Government. Having concluded his 31 years with South Wales Police, retiring as the Chief Superintendent, responsible for policing the Welsh Capital City, he immediately took up the position as the first ‘Anti Human Trafficking Coordinator’ for Wales, reporting back to the Cross Party Government Ministers. Bob then went on to work at ‘NHS Wales’ for the Welsh Ambulance Services, concluding as the Assistant Director with Pan Wales Operations responsibilities.

During his service with the Police and NHS, Bob was a ‘Gold’ Strategic Commander for 15years leading on numerous Major and Critical Incidents. He was also a Firearms ‘Gold’, National Public Order ‘Gold’, CBRN ‘Gold’ and a Senior authorising officer responsible for the legal applications involving covert & intrusive surveillance, including serious organised crime, and terrorism threats. He has travelled widely across Europe, briefing UK Ambassadors and working alongside other international commanders, being responsible for risk assessing, and negotiating many World stage events. The last eighteen months with the NHS involved running the very busy pan Wales Command Room, for the ‘Covid 19’ epidemic, being accountable for the strategic decision making, for what were life and death situations. Again he enjoyed negotiating almost hourly with the 7 Welsh Health Board equivalent Director leads, as well as the Chief Officers at the Police, Military and numerous Local Authority and Government departments. Bob has Chaired around 50 Disciplinary and Grievance Panels, and has also investigated many complex and sensitive investigations or Grievances. He maintains a transformational leadership style and is always able to communicate and negotiate reasonably, and fairly, whilst understanding the wider demands.