The benefits of outsourcing workplace investigations

Why should you come to us to handle your workplace investigations?

Why outsource?

The risks of getting an investigation wrong are significant. At an appeal or Employment tribunal, procedural failings can be used to undermine the action taken by the employer. Failure to investigate properly and reasonably is one of the most common causes of loss at the tribunal stage.

Throughout our extensive experience, we’ve encountered a range of factors involved, when an investigation goes wrong. Some of the most common failings we come across include:

  • Using poorly trained, or untrained investigators
  • A lack of planning or unclear terms of reference
  • Delays in the process
  • Poorly written reports
…it really doesn’t have to be this way.

The benefits of outsourcing

There are a number of factors which make outsourcing your case to The Investigation Company the best choice. Here are just a few of them:

  • Independence and Impartiality: Our investigators are completely impartial, with no prior knowledge of the parties involved, they will have absolutely zero vested interest in the outcome of the process.
  • Credibility, Experience & Expertise: All of our investigators are highly experienced. They are also skilled in the very latest evidence handling and interviewing techniques, ensuring for a thorough, fair and objective process. We’ll be able to match you with the ideal investigator for your case based on their skills and experience.
  • Risk Mitigation: Far too often we hear reports of compensation or penalties at tribunal claims or appeals where action has been taken without a fair investigation. Work with us to ensure that a poorly followed process doesn’t come back to haunt you.
  • Free Up Your Internal Resource: HR staff and managers have a lot of priorities to juggle. Not only does an investigation add additional stress, but they take up time that isn’t always available. Our pool of investigators are able to conduct their casework with minimal distraction and delay, saving time and stress for all involved.
  • For Practical Guidance: Investigations aren’t always the right response. Our team of experts will hold an initial discussion to understand the specific nature of the issue, and can advise whether an alternative approach may be better suited. We only investigate when we need to do so.

Contact us

Please let us know if you’d like us to help with a case or if you require more information. Just fill out the form we will be in touch with you shortly, or you can click here to drop us an email.

Alternatively, please call our Investigations Helpline on 0800 059 0595.

We’d love to hear from you!